Monday, February 1, 2010

Ringworm, How Long Can It Lie Dormant After Treatment For Ringworm In Horses Can It Lie Dormant For A Long Time As In 12 Months Or More?

After treatment for ringworm in horses can it lie dormant for a long time as in 12 months or more? - ringworm, how long can it lie dormant

Yes you can. Ringworm diease skin is an important and highly contagious disease of humans and animals. The disease characteristic lesions caused. Asingle, round, crunchy crust on the skin, usually in the range below the edge of the garment or on rubbing tactics. This single lesion grows in size and number, until large areas of the skin to have. Strawberry lesions before the development glabrous pepules low-power first exploded, so that a crisp appearance.
Worm ring consists of two groups of fungi, Microsporum and Trichophyton. Myocardial infarction spread by direct contact with another horse or tack, blankets, or brushes. It may also relate to the healing humans.A griseofulvin administered antibiotics in food every day at work week.this Trichophyton, but not both in the Microsporum. Griseofulvin also prevent the fungus to grow and antibiotics natamycin can be used as wash all be used in the body.


charlie said...

in our garden where a butterfly spread horse, found that younger horses are more susceptible than adults. I was told that if they once again failed to get it. are dormant in the forest though.

sarah c said...

The best thing is to do everything to infected animals that rubbed against a steam cleaner to try, then wash with a solution of 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 liter of hot water. Cooking is an antifungal and lichen is a fungus infection.

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