Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Index Of Nudity Jpg Theist, How Do You Feel About Nudity?

Theist, how do you feel about nudity? - index of nudity jpg

This person has in his profile: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index? ...

Breaking away!


Poohcat1 said...

Everything is a matter of perception. Naked in a nudist camp that is expected and is in no way be considered as sensuous. Naked on the street, however, another answer is to accumulate as bad or guilty. I think it depends on what you see the person you want to see naked. If it arouses pleasure ... then it is morally reprehensible. If, however, which led to the appreciation of the beauty of the human body ... Well, it's something else, etc. The human body is beautiful .... even when we grow old and wrinkled ... or if a Man's Chest seems to have fallen on their bellies, etc. It depends on the viewer.

hardy said...

Suddenly I'm in milk ....? thirsty

Coma White (jsts22) said...

What the hell is the problem? Not like this is something they have never seen. And the Greeks believed that the human body is a work of art. What is not really the big deal about nudity here in America. As in movies, we love violence, you can have blood or guns and fired very well, but we see nudity and "Oh no! Making NC-17th Come on, what's the problem?

joe_citizen AM said...

Well, every show with a body like this, it should more often!

Set said...

Thank you for sharing. =]

Chris said...


Jack said...

I support that, of course - but seriously, I do not see why people have a problem with it.

Jack said...

I support that, of course - but seriously, I do not see why people have a problem with it.

OF said...

99% of the time sheets are the best because the sun or cold, or work something.
But would Therestis time that 99% of people were injured or not "pushed" by the thought!

OF said...

99% of the time sheets are the best because the sun or cold, or work something.
But would Therestis time that 99% of people were injured or not "pushed" by the thought!

Johnny said...

Letters Gossip Freakin '

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